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Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Seven adult mumps cases confirmed at Houston ICE detention facility

Seven adult detainees at a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention facility in Houston have been diagnosed with mumps, but the contagious disease is contained, the city's health department said on Saturday.

'Since these individuals were isolated inside the facility during the period they were infectious, we do not anticipate these cases posing a threat to the community,' Dr. David Persse, Houston's local health authority and emergency medical services medical director, said in a statement.

ICE's Houston Contract Detention Facility houses approximately 950-1,000 adults.



  1. They don't mention tha one of the risks for adult males is sterility.

  2. Thank you, you wretched evil despicable dumbocrats.

  3. Measles,TB and Polio is on the up rise as well with these crazy autism nuts.

  4. Immunization is one of the cheapest and most effective things that a government can do, yet they don't do it effectively.


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