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Saturday, February 16, 2019

Satanic Temple Loses Lawsuit To Overturn Pro-Life Law

The Satanic Temple in Missouri has once again lost a court battle to overturn a state law requiring abortion clinics to provide anti-abortion pamphlets to their patients.

Though Missouri has long been at the forefront of rolling back abortion, knocking the institution down to just one clinic in recent years, the practice saw a resurgence in the state in 2017, when a federal judge enjoined a law mandating that abortion providers get admitting privileges to nearby hospitals and retrofit their facilities to meet current surgical center standards. Multiple clinics opened up in the state as a result, giving the Satanic Temple a window of opportunity to attack two other anti-abortion provisions in the state: One requiring women to read anti-abortion pamphlets and another requiring them to wait 72 hours between their initial consultations and a second appointment, before the abortion can commence.

According to LifeNews, The Satanic Temple argued that the two laws violate their religious beliefs, because their religion "prizes rational, independent thought" which would be supplanted if they were forced to read anti-abortion pamphlets and "consider a religious proposition with which they do not agree" during the 72-hour waiting period.



  1. In other words, for some, life is not sacred.

  2. Just another Temple. Pray pay and obey. YAWN.


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