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Friday, February 01, 2019

Republican Party Shrinks in California as Lawmaker Switches

San Diego Assemblyman Brian Maienschein, who has served in the Legislature for six years, announced Thursday that he has left the California Republican Party and re-registered as a Democrat in a move that further shrinks GOP influence in Sacramento.

"Donald Trump has led the Republican Party to the extreme on issues that divide our country," Maienschein said. "But his leadership is not the only reason for my change in party affiliation. I, too, have changed."

The unexpected decision, announced at a brief Capitol news conference just after the Assembly floor session, boosts the membership of the chamber's Democratic caucus to 61. Republicans now hold just 19 seats.

Maienschein said his votes on key issues have "shifted to the left" as the GOP agenda moved in the opposite direction. He cited a number of issues _ gun control, immigration, abortion and LGBTQ rights _ where he said he was no longer in sync with Republicans.

"It's been something that's been happening over the course of a really long time," he said when asked whether there was a single moment that led to the decision. "There wasn't a way that I could continue and feel good about myself and the choices I was making to continue as a member of the Republican Party. And it was time for me to make a change."



  1. I bet that cost somebody big bucks...

  2. I knew Homosexuality had something to do with it before I even started reading the article.

    "He cited a number of issues _ gun control, immigration, abortion and LGBTQ rights _ where he said he was no longer in sync with Republicans."

    1. This is a silly statement. Republicans aren’t against homosexuality. If you really bother to investigate the GOP stance, they’re about personal freedoms. Living your life in the pursuit of happiness as long as it doesn’t infringe on others’ right to same.

      Know of no Republicans who hate or vilify homosexuality. Personal sexual preference is really nobody else’s business but for some reason, many seem to love flaunting it to others as if it elevates or validates their choice. Why be so insecure? You don’t see straight people running around claiming they’re a breeder so why should gay people run around claiming they’re gay?

      By the way, the head of the Walk away movement promotes the President and is gay. So please, do your research before making such ridiculous statements. You, my friend, are out of sync with current times.

  3. Is it because of people switching or an illegal alien invasion where they illegally vote in our elections?


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