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Saturday, February 02, 2019

Pro-Abortion Democrats: Are They Now the Deathocrats?

So here we are in America, about to relive the nightmare of scores of Germans under the Nazis, as we stand in shock as cheering Democrats begin legalizing the murder of full-term, live babies.

Oddly, in New York, they are saying anyone can perform these late-term (including birth) abortions — which means the trusty coat hanger will become the tool of choice by those back-alley dwellers we thought the Democrats hated.

Several points seem obvious. Democrats who support this debauchery have lost the right to ever say how much they love and care about “the children.” You know — the children that Republicans separate from families at the border, making sure they are actually related to the adults they come in with and are not being sold into sex slavery.

How dare those Republicans think a young 25-year-old covered with MS-13 tattoos could possibly mean us harm? House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) chokes on her words of love for these rapists and murderers asking those heartless Republicans if these gang bangers don’t have a spark of divinity in them. Hey, Nancy, why don’t you invite a group of them to live in your huge home behind that big wall and then tell us what you think about that spark? It will give you a chance to experience that socialist dream you want to thrust on the rest of us.

More here


  1. The real baby killers.

  2. Abortion is Natural Selection. People that find themselves poorly prepared or with unwanted pregnancies were likely ill conceived themselves. Why perpetuate these sort of irresponsible and impulsive traits in our gene pool ? It's not killing babies it's eradicating the weak from the herd and the social order. They would just plop them out in public restrooms or dumpsters and leave them to die anyway. Abort the mothers too and castrate the fathers.

  3. I like that. Deathocrat. Fits.


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