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Monday, February 25, 2019

Our National Debt Is Our National Disgrace

In mid-February, our national debt reached $22 trillion, a new record for our country. Since President Trump took office in January of 2017, our debt has increased over $2 trillion. During the administration of President Obama, it increased from $10.6 trillion to $19.9 trillion. Thus, the national debt has more than doubled in 10 years and it is still increasing nearly $1 trillion per year.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, the national debt for this fiscal year will be $897 billion and will top $1 trillion again in 2022. At that point, their forecast calls for the national debt to exceed $1 trillion annually for another seven years as the costs for Medicare and Social Security skyrocket with more Americans from the massive Baby Boomer generation retiring.

This ongoing problem has been caused by both Democrats and Republicans. For the first two years of the Trump administration, Republicans controlled both houses of Congress, yet the debt still grew by over $1 trillion per year. Thus, the national debt has increased no matter which party controls Congress and the White House.



  1. Remember the dirtbag Bill Clinton who gave us a SURPLUS one year?

    Remember the goofy talking southern democrat calling it a 'dafficet" on rush Limbaugh's show back in the 90's?

    Remember Clinton's Labor secretary Robert Reich encouraging kids to bake cookies to raise money for the federal deficit?

    How did the so-called fiscally irresponsible Dems once OWN this issue and the Repubs still don't care about it?

  2. How much of that money has mueller wasted

  3. Let's not forget who actually raised the National debt - Obama

  4. this is what we are being distracted from. Clinton stole the last real cash we had in SSI. now that too is nothing but debt. everyone of them since kennedy and before Trump should all really have been lined up and shot for the sellout of our america.

  5. Damn corrupt Govt could pay it ALL off tomorrow !!!!

    Just don't want to !!! Wonder what all the reasons are ???

  6. Yet the democrats continue to spend across the country in frivolous law suits against our PRESIDENT.

  7. Govt shutdowns cost Billions , Democrats Fault last time !!!

    Could have paid for Wall with that !!! INSTEAD OF flushing
    down the toilet !!!!

  8. Proper Trade Deals could pay it off in a year !!!

    Govt Waist Trillions a year on top of that !!! Stop it

  9. You can thank Obama for that!


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