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Friday, February 22, 2019

Optimism in Trump camp grows as Democrats embrace their inner socialist

Republicans toiling to re-elect President Trump are freshly optimistic, confident a Democratic Party dominated by ambitious progressives is scaring wayward factions of the conservative coalition back into the fold.

With a midterm election rebuke and disastrous government shutdown in the rear view, Trump’s 2020 campaign team and constellation of key outside supporters are sensing a turnaround. The president hasn’t changed his controversial ways. But Trump’s top lieutenants believe that newly empowered liberal Democrats — in Washington and across the country — plus the sometimes peculiar spectacle of the Democratic primary, are causing uneasy Republicans to reconsider their opposition.

"As the House Democrat caucus is increasingly dominated by extreme left members, and as Democratic presidential candidates work to outmaneuver each other in embracing socialist policies, the choice will become increasingly clear,” Trump campaign spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany said in a statement provided to the Washington Examiner. “Support for the president is already on the rise."



  1. Just another sign the moderate middle is deteriorating. Civil unrest will continue to escalate.

  2. Thats OK, Hogan seems to be poised to come in and save the day. He seems to be the only adult in the room on either side.

  3. Republican party if it cares about winning has to reach out to millinals.


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