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Monday, February 04, 2019

Nolte: Ralph ‘The Coonman’ Northam Is the Media’s Governor

Chances are, if you are being lied to by a member of the D.C. Media — whether it’s in print, online, or on the TV — you are being lied to by a resident of Virginia. Yes, you are being lied to by a far-leftist who voted to make Democrat Ralph “The Coonman” Northam his or her governor.

You see, most of the reporters who work in Washington, DC, do not live in Washington, DC; they live in Virginia. This should come as no surprise to anyone who understands the left.

On paper, Washington, DC, should be a haven, a Leftist Utopia. After all, D.C. has been exclusively run by Democrats for decades. In fact, since the creation of the Office of the Mayor of Washington, DC, in the early 1970s, only Democrats have held that office. There are no eeeevil Republicans stopping D.C. Democrats from instituting their utopian policies, and yet…

Washington, DC, is the 16th most dangerous city in all of America. (Guess which political party runs almost all of the other 15.) Washington, DC, runs the worst schools in America, has the highest income inequality in all of America, and has a serious homeless problem.

More here


  1. Coonman - go murder a baby

  2. Coonman, in blackface...oh yeah, we are to believe that is isn't him.


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