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Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Nolte: CNN Published Five Hit Pieces Against Howard Schultz in One Day

The far-left CNN published a total of five hit pieces against Howard Schultz on Thursday.

Now that the former Starbucks CEO has said he is looking seriously at a run for president as an Independent in 2020, Democrats are freaking out. They fear that Schultz, a lifelong Democrat activist and donor, will siphon votes away from their 2020 nominee and ensure President Trump wins a second term.

CNN, a cable network devoted to Trump’s defeat and moving the country to the far-left, appears to be equally concerned, which is the only way to explain why the basement-rated outlet published five attacks against Schultz in a single day.

What’s more, three of those five hit pieces cover the exact same subject — a tweet Schultz fired off before he was bullied into deleting it.

Here are the five headlines from Thursday:

1 comment:

  1. Sorry Schultz they only liked you cause you were giving your money to them. Now that you are running against them and saying their programs won't work they don't like you anymore. Prepare to go down!


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