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Thursday, February 14, 2019

'NO' MEANS 'YES': Ilhan Omar Gets Nasty With Former Reagan Official

Anti-Semitic Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) exploded at former Reagan administration official Elliott Abrams during a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on Wednesday as she called him by the wrong name and refused to accept one of his answers.

"Abrams testified in front of the House Foreign Affairs Committee about the U.S. response to the crisis in Venezuela, which has collapsed under far-left policies that have decimated its economy and caused hyperinflation, starvation and medical shortages," The Washington Free Beacon reported. "The Trump administration is supporting Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido and said authoritarian President Nicolas Maduro must step down and leave the country."

"Mr. Adams, in 1991 you pleaded guilty to two counts of withholding information from Congress regarding your involvement in the Iran-contra affair for which you were later pardoned by President George HW Bush," Omar said. "I fail to understand why members of this committee or the American people should find any testimony that you give today to be truthful."


1 comment:

  1. Get this loud mouth jackass out of our country. She hates everything and everybody and she is definitely NOT an example of what America is about yet she sits where she does. Shame on everyone who voted for her.


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