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Saturday, February 09, 2019

Nancy Pelosi: Banning Late-Term Abortions Is ‘Really Quite A Sad Thing’

"I hope that in his family, he never has to face that crisis"

Following President Trump's emphatic defense of the unborn in the face of such moral evils like late-term abortions during the State of the Union address on Tuesday night, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the ban on such a practice is "really quite a sad thing."

While rushing through the halls of Congress, a reporter with The Daily Callerconfronted the House Speaker to get her thoughts on President Trump's call for a ban on late-term abortions. Her answer was typical Nancy Pelosi.

"It’s really quite a sad thing when you know that we’ll be talking about something that applies to the health and life — health and ability to have other children of women," said Pelosi. "I hope that in his family, he never has to face that crisis and apply his attitude toward it."



  1. It's not sad to SAVE a life Fancy nanny. What is sad, the Old Lube Girl with her bad self and resistance tribe at the SOTU.

  2. So, is it too late to abort Pelosi?

  3. No. According to her, it's never too late, so let's get on with aborting her! Oh, don't you just wish???

  4. Replies
    1. Life starts in the car ride home ? Slogan for DEMOCRATS.

  5. She too may some day have to deal with the killing of one of her grand children at birth because the mother (her daughter, daughter-in-law, or granddaughter decides to kill their new born.

  6. Remember in November. Democrats are baby killers.


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