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Sunday, February 03, 2019

Md. Democrats seek to ban Styrofoam

WASHINGTON — It’s kept your coffee hot and your takeout from leaking, but a group of lawmakers in Annapolis says it’s time to ban polystyrene foam — often referred to as Styrofoam.

The effort to make Maryland “foam-free” has been adopted by House and Senate Democrats in Annapolis. The ban is among the priorities they’ve announced for the upcoming legislative session.

Del. Derrick E. Davis, who represents Prince George’s County, where a ban is in place, said the negative impacts of the substance — the damage to waterways and marine life — make a statewide ban a necessary move.

“Look, for every square mile in our ocean, we have 46,000 pieces of floating plastic — every square mile!” he said at a news conference in Annapolis on Tuesday morning.



  1. Is this going to include packing peanuts too? Are they going to develop something else that can be used?

  2. Tell the truth. This trash is being dumped in the ocean by NYC, NJ and other high trash areas. They blame it on the cost to ship it to China and refuses to recycle. What type of container will coffee be sold in. Royal Farms tried paper cups this past Christmas and it burnt your hands to hold.

    1. Not to mention the bottoms leaked.

  3. OMG. With all the problems Maryland has this is what their worried about. Baltimore and Annapolis are an EMBARRASSMENT.Yet this is what they care about?? WOW!! Tell me if we don't need NEW LEADERSHIP!!

  4. Teach your stinkin law breaking sanctuary illegals and your getto slummers how to use a trash can, you want to punish the remaining state for your trashy prince George's county lack of ethics and morals.

    1. Here in Deale Island the trash in the ditches come from whites. It's gross and your rant is way off the mark!

    2. 6:17-Nice! Preach!

  5. We can live without styrofoam, except for insulation. You have to wonder what "insulation industry" producer of alternate products is lobbying (i.e. paying) our elected representatives to address this "issue."

  6. honestly I think it is a sin what petrochemical / plastic industry has done to our planet. one only needs to take a look at some of the islands and the vortex's in the oceans to see the scope of the problem. We are all guinea pigs when it comes to this industry. Science is only now starting to realize how much plastic is accumulating in the human organs over our lifetime and what if any are effects of such over a lifetime. I remember how my parents once despised plastics! now it's everywhere! Seeing plastic which takes generations to break down being disposed of anywhere should be a concern!
    Although it does fit rather well, with our throw away society!

  7. There are 6 democrats for every 10 votes in the Peoples Republic of Md. Now thats pollution-we need to ban democrats

  8. Use the packing peanuts that are made of gelatin, that dissolve in water.

  9. Wawa does fine with their paper cups with the thin, thin, thin plastic coating inside. They offer a cardboard sleeve to deal with the heat.

    1. Yes. (its True!) Yes. ! ((They)) want ((you)) to do (their) bidding. !

    2. Come on 6:18, say something intelligent

  10. I'm a conservative. I have no problem with getting rid of styrofoam. The stuff is a mess. I break the law constantly as I toss the stuff out the window onto a highway, or in a field as it will decay in a couple days as opposed to sitting in a landfill for years. Yeah it looks like crap for a couple days at most, but it's turned into dirt and not in a landfill.
    We put a man on the moon. Got to be better ways to provide food containers than styrofoam.

    1. You're bragging about being the a-hole that litters? What the hell is wrong with you?

  11. I am sick of the Salisbury Independent being thrown in my yard.

  12. Obama Crooked BastardoJanuary 31, 2019 at 4:58 PM

    I propose Ban on Dumb Democrats in Maryland. Can I get Amen?

  13. It's about time -- actually long past time.


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