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Saturday, February 09, 2019

Lost Dog 2-8-19: UPDATE

Joe can you please share on your fb page and blog the post at the top of my fb page? I rescued this poor little guy and he slipped out of his harness with his newly adoptive parents. He is terrified and was last seen in the Fruitland/Salisbury area running between the Sonic building and Emily Dr. He traveled across the little bridge under construction and was behind Coulborn Woods. I am going back out this morning because I am the one at the shelter he built a bond with. 443-235-1058.


  1. He will be found. Joe always finds them.

  2. Just seen in woods between hunt club and Wal-Mart Fruitland

  3. Please find him quick want him to have a forever home and better life.

  4. Prayers this precious furbaby will b found soon, especially with the cold weather on its way.

  5. That is fantastic....thanks everyone!

  6. I knew it was just a matter of time.


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