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Friday, February 22, 2019

Lifestyles of the rich and socialist: Bernie Sanders has 3 houses, makes millions

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., entered the 2020 presidential race this week promising to transform America with a left-wing vision of economic and environmental justice. But the self-described democratic socialist’s high-end income, multiple houses and fondness for air travel have already opened him up to criticism that his lifestyle doesn't always match the rhetoric.

Sanders has pitched himself as a grassroots economic populist, focusing on income inequality and higher taxes for the rich.

"Our campaign is about transforming our country and creating a government based on the principles of economic, social, racial and environmental justice," he said.



  1. But has he ever worked for a living?

  2. Well I think he should for starters give all 3 of his houses ( and it's probably more than 3 of them) to the crowd that don't work and then he should go out and live in a section 8 home then give all his money to the non workers then maybe we can start to listen to what he has to say but then again not me

  3. We will only have justice when rises from THE PEOPLE someone that understands and has lived among suffered and worked beside THE PEOPLE and has more grit than Hyperbole and privilege and inherited success's and dirty dealings.
    The Republic is not a business and we are not investors. Federalism should be Judicial only and states should retain their tax base and make the Fed petition them and pitch for funds instead of our sending our money to them and then plea dealing to get it back with our representatives and their financiers making deals for themselves and ignoring the needs of their constituents. The era of Heirloom politics and the well bread well entitled and supposedly " well " educated and greedy groomed for power needs to come to an end.
    Hire someone that knows how to make BREAD the sort you can eat.

  4. He took all of it from someone twice as rich, just to be fair.

  5. Obama dropped his wife's criminal case, gave him a house and cash to drop our of the 2016 race so Hillary could win. That's exactly what happened. Guess he is hoping for more. Like Trump stated he missed his turn. Lol

  6. 1:48

    Good idea, but there is no reasoning with irrational liberal retards.

    Just listen to Alexandria Hee Haw Cortez. First she wants to give back to her neighborhood the 2.5 Billion in tax relief that Amazon never realized, then when told the money doesn't exist she tried to call out her critics.

    Cortez is so dumb that she doesn't realize how dumb she is.

  7. It's a known fact that Congress become millionaires in their first term. WHY?? LOBBYISTS. The longer you stay in office. The richer you get. Why do you think they NEVER want to leave and will do WHATEVER it takes to stay.

  8. He is what socialism is all about, rich elitist politicians in control of the people promising free stuff then once elected run the country in the ground.


  9. Would anyone else love to pitch in and buy Bernie a one-way ticket to Venezuela? Think it would be paid for faster than tickets for major concert sell out!


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