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Friday, February 15, 2019

Kamala Harris is a longtime ally of government unions – Here's why that should worry voters

As the long 2020 presidential campaign begins, Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., has emerged as an early frontrunner for a restless Democratic Party.

Harris’ political smarts, California base, and commonsense style make her a serious contender. Even the man she seeks to replace, President Trump, conceded her recent rollout was the “best opening.”

But Harris’ rapid ascent wasn’t without help. She enjoyed the hefty backing from a range of financiers, raising questions about who and what she owes to those who bankrolled her political career.

In true progressive fashion, Harris can rattle off talking points about politicians beholden to corporations, but her record reveals a special interest of her own: labor unions.

Harris’ relationship with big donors came to a head in an uncomfortable exchange at a California town last year when an activist asked Harris if she would accept corporate political action committee (PAC) donations.

Harris stumbled. “Well, that depends,” she said.

“Wrong answer,” the man shot back in an exchange that went viral.



  1. Unions are communist organization.

  2. BECAUSE she's a POS just like ANY government union. Why do we have government Union's?? So Blacks can't be FIRED from a job. PERIOD!! LOOK at AMTRAK. LOOK at the post office. LOOK at the TSA. LOOK at ANY STATE worker. Any place that has a UNION is a place where YOY CAN'T BE FIRED!!


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