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Sunday, February 03, 2019

Jeffries Defends ‘Grand Wizard’ Comment About Trump: ‘I Don’t Regret the Use of the Language’

Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D., N.Y.) defended insulting the president during an appearance on "Meet the Press" Sunday.

During an Martin Luther King Jr. Day event, Jeffries called the president a "burglar" and alluded to the Klu Klux Klan in calling him a "grand wizard."

Jeffries, the House Democrat Caucus chair, directed the insults at President Donald Trump as he spoke to a crowd of NAACP supporters.

"We have a hater in the White House, a burglar-in-chief, the grand wizard of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue," he said at the time, referencing the head position of the white supremacist KKK.

Jeffries defended the comment during an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer several days later. He said that he had never called Trump racist.



  1. If anybody is KKK oriented it is the DNC
    Democrats have held people of color back for decades.
    Like the pot calling the kettle black

  2. The KKK was created and run by the democrats. Pay attention to history!

  3. Don't be so darn jealous hakeem, you won't ever be living at 1600 Penn Ave

  4. What a disgrace this man is to speak about his President in such a way.

  5. DNC has had KKK members in Congress but not the Republicans. Democrats criticize the KKK while they support the radical Islam that want to kill all non-Islam. Total hypocrites.

  6. defeclt lie and deceieve much hakeem. i guess you live islam the grand masters of hate.

  7. The Clan was a creation of Freemasonry.
    Albert Pike was a 33rd degree.
    K = 11th letter

    1. KKK / Maintenance of the White Race


  8. Hakeem, eh?

    The KKK was a Democrat affiliated organization designed to suppress the newly freed slaves during the period of Reconstruction. The Democrats held sway in the South before the Civil War, and afterward tried terror, Jim Crow laws, etc. to maintain their stranglehold on the blacks.

    The Civil Rights Act of 1964 only passed because of Republican support; most Southern Democrats, including Al Gore's father, voted against it.

    Today's SocialistDemocrats are either, take your pick, completely ignorant of these facts or consciously lying to themselves and to the gullible.

  9. Hakeem! What kind of name is that? Anyone with a name like that can't be taken seriously. Makes it sound like you were born on another continent. Change your first name to an American sounding name,then maybe someone will take you seriously.

  10. Hakeem! What kind of name is that? Anyone with a name like that can't be taken seriously. Makes it sound like you were born on another continent. Change your first name to an American sounding name,then maybe someone will take you seriously.

  11. Hakeem! What kind of . . . .

    Just joking with ya’


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