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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

ISIS Bride Hoda Muthana: Birthright Citizenship?

Hoda Muthana, the daughter of a foreign diplomat, was born in the United States in 1994. Her father, Ahmed Ali Muthana, who subsequently became a U.S. citizen the old-fashioned way — legally — was formerly a Yemeni diplomat. Four years ago, Hoda left the U.S. to join with Islamic State fighters in Syria.

She married an ISIS terrorist and supported the jihadis’ brutal slaughter of innocent men, women, and children. Now that ISIS is nearing defeat (not to suggest its ideology will ever be defeated), Hoda has decided that maybe Alabama would be a better place to raise her son than the ruins of a Syrian desert.

This is setting up a legal battle that may shed some light on who is and, more importantly, who is not entitled to U.S. citizenship.

More here


  1. She should actually be an intake at Guantanamo.

  2. If he was a diplomat when she was born......she is not a citizen. If he had already become a legal citizen when she was born than she is a citizen and should be sent to Guantanmo and left there. The child should be taken away and raised by someone else so it at least has a chance. Surely not given to the grandparents. We see how they are at raising children.


  3. Did she ever hold a US Passport?

    Did she renounce her US citizenship, if she had it, when she left?

    Important questions, and important answers.


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