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Sunday, February 03, 2019

Is Nancy Pelosi Fit To Be Speaker Of The House?

Questionable ties to organized crime and taxpayer dollars abuses

Nancy Pelosi’s father, Thomas D’Alessandro Jr., was the subject of a special investigation run by the FBI.

They were looking into his affairs with organized crime, and they were looking into Nancy’s brother who was arrested and tried for gang-raping two girls ages 11 and 13.

The DEA’s biggest heroin bust in the United States was at a California warehouse that Nancy Pelosi was tied to.

She is worth over one hundred million dollars, and has a reputation for abusing her use of American taxpayer dollars, including spending over one hundred thousand dollars in just two years for in-flight alcohol expenses.

Nancy Pelosi is just one of many in the swamp, but she is second in line in succession to the presidency.

Is Nancy Pelosi fit to be Speaker of the House?



  1. Absolutely not if this info is correct and can be verified she should be removed and fast before the next election so she doesn't lead anyone else down her yellow brick road.

  2. I do not know how to try and be polite but she is a no good SOB and needs to be kicked the hell out of Washington. She is truly evil and was the collector of funds for her father from those who needed favors. That family had a history of being corrupt!!!!

  3. Women can be equally as corrupt as men.Before she spends money on anything at all she first determines if she can charge it to the US Gov.

  4. As Hillary said once, "what difference does it make"! I guess her the democrats feel she should be there. I don't understand it!

  5. I keep telling you cheerleaders --- it's people like her that keep the drug trade so lucrative and flourishing.
    The CLINTON'S killed people over it.
    I wouldn't doubt that Pelosi has had someone killed, too.
    Start messing with 40-50 million dollars of someone's money, you're getting whacked, too.
    But, then we have the "Two Sets of Laws" thing.
    The police will set up 6 months of undercover dress-up to bust 20 guys with 5 ounces of pot.
    Someone important moving 200 lbs of heroin, or 1000 lbs of coke???

    Two Sets of Laws, jack.

    Keep up your idiotic hero-worshipping, inane, and blindly unaware

  6. Just did some research. It appears that her father was in bed with the mafia.

  7. Make her do a dementia test.

  8. Pelosi is not fit to hold office for many reasons. One reason is that she is senile.


  9. She was born and raised in a family of crooks.

    More to the point is that the Speaker of the House is in line behind the Vice President in the chain of succession. What is the current physical condition of Botox Brainfreezette to be in that role? Yikes!

  10. In a word...................NO!!!!!!!

  11. 2:07 if he was in bed with the family, she was there too. They don't call her The Lube Girl for nothing.

  12. One word for Pelosi - Corrupt!


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