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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Ilhan Omar Discussed ‘Dismantling Patriarchy’ After Trip to Honduras With Radical Group

Omar vowed to 'continue their fight on American soil'

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., Somalia) talked of "dismantling patriarchy" after she returned from a trip to Honduras sponsored by a radical anti-American group.

Omar attended a delegation to the Latin American country in 2017 organized by Witness for Peace, a group affiliated with numerous activists against America, Israel, democracy, and capitalism.

After she returned that December she participated in a Witness for Peace event recapping the trip, where she discussed her "intersectional feminism."

Omar praised leftist activists who were creative in their work "dismantling patriarchy" in Honduras, and vowed to "continue their fight on American soil."

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1 comment:

  1. Does she talk about dismantling patriarchy at her place of worship? In her home? Kind of doubt it. Just a tool.


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