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Saturday, February 02, 2019

Hoyer Overstated the Costs of the Government Shutdown

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) may have overstated the cost of the government shutdown by not mentioning an expected bounce-back, according to a report on Thursday.

President Donald Trump signed a short-term spending bill that helped reopen the government on January 25. Soon after, the Congressional Budget Office estimated that the shutdown cost the economy $11 billion.

The figure was cited by numerous outlets and some lawmakers.

But FactCheck.org said Hoyer left out a critical piece of information when citing the figure, too.



  1. Hoyer didn't "overstate" he's just a liar, always has been.

  2. Democrats just serving their donors and doing nothing for the folks.

  3. Please Mr President no more shut down just declare a national emergency and build the wall. Don't give your enemies anything they think they can use against you in 2020.

  4. Steny has always been mathematically challenged


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