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Monday, February 18, 2019

French Schools Replace "Mother" And "Father" With "Parent 1" And "Parent 2"

In the latest example of political correctness run amok in Europe, the French National Assembly this week passed an education reform bill which included a controversial amendment to replace all instances of the words 'mother' and 'father' on official school-related paperwork with the 'gender neutral' phrases "Parent 1" and "Parent 2".

The bill, which was championed by President Emmanuel Macron's party, will also make school attendance mandatory for all three-year-olds.

"This amendment aims to root in law children's family diversity in administrative forms submitted in school," said REM minister Valérie Petit.

"We have families who find themselves faced with tick boxes stuck in rather old-fashioned social and family models. For us, this article is a measurement of social equality."

While the changes were made ostensibly to stop discrimination against same-sex parents, according to the Christian Post, the measure has been attacked by conservatives and liberals alike. Even the French education minister opposed the amendment.

In a sign of just how fraught with controversy this provision has become, even the president of the French association for same-sex parents has criticized the decision, arguing that it could create a "parental hierarchy".

However, it is not just conservatives who question the effectiveness of the new legislation. Alexandre Urwicz president of the AFDH, the French association for same sex parents, worries that the legislation could create a “parental hierarchy."

"Who is ‘parent number 1’ and who is ‘parent number 2’?" he asks, adding that perhaps the less controversial "father, mother and legal representative," be used instead.

Conservatives denounced the suggestion that the terms "mother" and "father" are old fashioned, and one lawmaker pointed out that in modern France, more than 95% of civil unions are between same-sex couples, RT reported.

“When I hear people say this is an old-fashioned model, I would remind people that today among unions celebrated, civil or marital, some 95 per cent are man-woman couples,” Conservative MP Xavier Breton said of the latest amendment, while fellow Conservative Fabien Di Filippo denounced the move as a “frightening ideology."



  1. But who decides which is 1 and which is 2? Being #2 implies that he or she isn't up to par.

  2. Call the kids Thing 1 and Thing 2

  3. My do we let 1 or 2% minority of idiots dictate what the 98 or 99% of sane people do?

  4. Is it "Le Parent" or "La Parent"? Leave it to the French of all people!

  5. French have a no gun law, yet all the bad guys have guns.


  6. It’s to undermine parental rights and confuse the child to make easier to manipulate them whether it be for political or sexual perversion

  7. They want the prayers and other references to God in the bible changed too. No longer referring to God as the father. Mary and Joseph will have a child, no longer a boy, Adam and Eve will be just being 1 and being 2.

  8. They can call them pee and poop all they want but in the United States they are still Dad and Mom

  9. The devil sure has a way with words. As for numbers, that was the beginning of all the problems. Satan thought he was #1 but GOD threw he and his other angels down to earth. And yes, originality satan was an angel. So, GOD was, is, and will always be #1.

  10. I'm offended that I'm not #1!

  11. I like Dr. Seuss's names better, Thing 1 & Thing 2.


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