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Saturday, February 16, 2019

Four in five Catholic priests are gay, claims new book

‘In the Closet of the Vatican’ due to be released next week

A new book claiming that 80 percent of Vatican priests are gay is due to be published next week.

The Guardian reports that ‘In the Closet of the Vatican’ by French journalist Frédéric Martel details four years of reporting in a nearly 600-page book.

Bloomsbury, the publisher of the new book, promises a “startling account of corruption and hypocrisy at the heart of the Vatican” which reveals “a clerical culture of secrecy which starts in junior seminaries and continues right up to the Vatican itself.”



  1. Catholic church needs to change their ways and allow priests to marry....so as not to continuing attacking little boys!

    21st Century, time for a change to eliminate the constant shame.

    1. They do have priests that are married. I forgot the order but they do exist.

  2. This is what happens when you have a BULLSHITER Pope who bows to every foul and immoral organization against the Catholic Church. When you don't STAND your ground. When you don't fight for the GIFT that you were given. When you bend over backwards to appease your foes. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS. ITS A TROJAN HORSE. But the Pope is to busy traveling the world talking peace and love. But his church begins to rott away. But some believe that this is this Pope's mission. DESTROY THE CATHOLIC CHURCH.

  3. Wow, that must be a big closet!

  4. The hard earned money religious folks are donating weekly to the catholic churches is being used for legal fees to keep hundreds of gay priests out of jail.

    1. Give it a break. That money has been long GONE. But where's the money coming from in the Jewish, METHODIST Baptist, and Protestant churches??? Oh that's right. The hard working people who attend the church. FREAKING DELUSIONAL MORON.


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