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Friday, February 22, 2019

Former U.S. Prosecutor: Trump-Russia Collusion ‘Made Up’

Former Federal Prosecutor Sidney Powell believes “the entire Russia collusion narrative was made up.”

While speaking to Fullmeasure, Powell was asked what is the “story” of the first half of President Trump’s tenure. “That the entire Russia collusion narrative was made up,” she asserted.

Powell went on to say, “That the FBI and the intelligence community and the Department of Justice began an investigation against four American citizens simply because they worked for the opposition political candidate, that being Donald Trump.”

Powell sees corruption, certainly. But perhaps not where the mainstream media has been looking. Instead, she believes this process has indicted both the Justice Department and the U.S. intelligence community. Specifically, the seeming willful ignorance with which evidence in certain court documents has been dismissed.

She cited a blistering “99 page opinion” from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court “in which she is taking the FBI to task for having given unlimited, unsupervised access to raw intelligence.” The raw intelligence in question includes:

…the database of everything the NSA, the National Security Agency, collects on everybody. Word searches, keystrokes, what do you look at in Google, telephone information, calls, texts, you name it. Everything, every nightmare anybody has of information being collected by big brother, the FBI gave three private contractors unlimited, unsupervised access to that as far back as 2015.

More here


  1. It’s not made up. It’s actually true but the names have been changed to protect the guilty scumbag Democrats Obama and HRC.

  2. As made up as the Smullett "hate" crime. Problem is-- The democrat party consists of only incredibly dumbed down ignoramuses and those who are void of any and all morals. If you are a democrat you are at least one of these many both. So this means you either believe the Russian collusion story because an ant's IQ is higher then yours or you know it's not true but because all democrats are liars and lie all the time and there isn't one alive who is an honest good decent person you make up lies and spread them as truth.

  3. For something made up Mueller sure got a lot of indictments.

  4. OH Yeah 10:08 and name one of the charges in ANY of the indictments that has anything to do with Russia much less Russian collusion? Go ahead name just one. Since I can already tell by your asinine comment that you are nothing but a lowly product of the dumbed down education system an imbecile who can't think and only repeats the BS rammed down your throat with zero thought to how ignorant you sound I will answer the question for you. ZERO
    It's MADE UP. Now do yourself a favor and keep your mouth shut in public. It's better for people to think you are an ignoramus then to open you mouth and remove all the doubt and prove that you are.

  5. Indictments that have absolutely nothing to do with the president and Russian collusion.Do the same investigation on all the democrats complaining and see what happens.


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