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Monday, February 18, 2019

FLASHBACK: Democrats Called Jussie Smollett Attack ‘Lynching’; NAACP Blamed Trump

Leading Democrat candidates for the presidency in 2020 called last month’s reported attack on Jussie Smollett an “attempted modern day lynching,” and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) blamed President Donald Trump.

But reports began to emerge this week from a variety of mainstream media outlets that Chicago police believe Smollett may have paid two men to stage the attack.

At the very least, what is now known is that early reports by Smollett and his representatives were likely false, including claims the assailants were white, and that they were Trump supporters.

At the time, NAACP President Derrick Johnson linked Trump to the alleged crime, saying the “rise in hate crimes is directly linked to President Donald J. Trump’s racist and xenophobic rhetoric.”


[Related: Chicago Police Believe Jussie Smollett Paid Two Men to Stage Attack;

Smollett reportedly insisted on TV appearance after attack]


  1. The reason it spread like a wildfire was because the Trump hating MSM was pouring jet fuel on the story to keep it spreading. The only "hate crime" here came from the left.

  2. “It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.” -President Ronald Reagan

    Fellow travelers, we wish that Reagan's words still rang true like they did when he was our leader. But as evidenced here, the liberals have morphed into Moaists, Leftists and centrists. How do you know the difference?

    We should not vilify the true liberals. The ones who care about rights and freedoms. Soon, they too will be disgusted by the Maoists and Leftists. It's just a matter of time, you have seen their reaction the the post-birth abortion laws in NY and Va.

    The Maoists and Leftists, my listeners, have the eyes and minds of Satan. You can identify them so easily. They are clearly part of the realm beyond which humans, regardless of religious beliefs, would identify as even remotely moral. Their consciousness has been replaced with Alinsky, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao's Little Red Book.

    They make even Barack Obama look like a centrists. We have entered a dark era.

    Reply now !

  3. Look the man is just a racist liberal with no class back by other racist liberals with no class and all supported by the fake news MSM.

  4. the media and the democratic and most government are the same entity. they have been brain washing the American people since the invention of TV!!!!

  5. Let's not let them forget how quickly and easily they all jumped on this bit of fakery and wanted us to believe it.


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