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Monday, February 25, 2019

Federal Judge Rules Male-Only Military Draft Unconstitutional!

Draft our daughters.

A federal judge in Texas ruled late Friday that the male-only military draft is unconstitutional, declaring that “the time has passed” for a debate whether women belong in combat.

US District Judge Gray Miller, a George W. Bush appointee, dealt a huge blow to the current Selective Service System since the SCOTUS upheld the draft in a 1981 ruling.

In Rostker v. Goldberg, the Supreme Court ruled that the all-male draft was “fully justified” because women could not fulfill combat roles.



  1. Hell to the yea!! You want to be President of the united States by our ass can get drafted for war

  2. who in their right mind would want bernie or pelosi or cortez sending their children off to fight while they and their children get rich?

  3. Too little too late !!!

    Put the dykes on the front lines / they want to be there
    Let them have it !!!!

  4. YES! My son can die as good as your daughter, they want equal rights so let them die too!

  5. I hope one of this judges woman relatives gets drafted. They ALL want it until we see woman soldiers in BODY BAGS!!!

  6. Finally! Women have been demanding equality; here is a step in the right direction. Just be sure that we no longer accept the separate but equal physical standards that women have enjoyed in the military for years. I am the wife of a career Army officer who has seem the unfair advantages that women have had We cannot have it both ways. If women are equal, then have them register for selective service as well.

  7. EVERY citizen should be required to serve two years for our country, right out of high school, and then be on reserve duty for the rest of their lives. We would have the safest country in the world and NOBODY would mess with us.

  8. As a woman I support drafting women as well as men. With citizenship comes responsibility to do your part to defend the country. Mandatory public service for both sexes if they are not attending college should be required for all young citizens. As a veteran. I did and continue to do my part to serve the country.


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