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Sunday, February 24, 2019

Elizabeth Warren Endorses Reparations For Slavery

Democratic Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren announced her support for slavery reparations for black Americans, according to a report from The New York Times on Thursday.

The 2020 presidential candidate became the rare politician to endorse the proposal, which is estimated to cost trillions of dollars. Warren endorsed the proposal, but did not explain how she would pay for it, or give any additional details.



  1. Sounds like Liz is looking for any ethnicity for support.

    1. I don't own slaves and they haven't picked any cotton

  2. Now there's an open door to fraud and abuse, just for starters.

  3. How to pay for it?? This is going to have an incredible burden on the South and the descendants of those who held slaves in the 14th through 19th centuries in the British and French colonial colonies in North America. Of course, every white person who lived in those centuries in North America bears the burden, right?

    How can anybody be sooooooo stupid?????

    1. And there are a handful of companies that would be liable as well. It will never happen. Just give me the 40 acres

  4. She should sell all her HOMES

  5. This will never get pass by Congress. Plus as a registered Democrat and Black, I still won't vote for her.

  6. I think it would only be right to pay reparations to any LIVING slave from the U.S.A.

  7. She is one really stupid effing woman! How do you go about divvying the money? How do you prove that you are the descendant of slaves, your family could have come here after 1865 or the family could have its lineage going to free blacks in the northern states. Or possibly they are descendant's of some if the black slave owners. How will that play out? How much money do you give each person and what about their children? Do they get reparations too? How much do they get? When does it stop?

  8. I'm for the reparations.

    Let's subtract the generations of welfare and affirmative actions costs. Don't forget the Pell grants and utility subsidies.

    Oh, wait! They gonna owe us!

    1. You should probably research pell grant, and welfare recipient ethnicity data before you make a statement as dumb as Warren’s

  9. Its the TRUTH though!

  10. I would like Reparations for the overtaxed/burdened middle class....let me know when that happens.

  11. A man's debts die with him. Sorry suckers. I am so glad I will never live long enough to see this crap have a chance to come to fruition. Loonies they are!

  12. An appropriate amount can't even be imagined, but let's go with $1,000,000 per former (black) slave descendant, just to be as fair as we can be.

    First we take it out of the salaries of Congress and Senate members, then from the retirement funds of all Senate, Congress and Presidential members going back to 1863.

    Then we'll divvy it up among the states, pro-rating by the number of slaves that were actively kept in each state in, let's say, 1860.

    Are you ready, former Confederate states, because this is going to hurt. Maybe you should reconsider your Democrat ways.

    1. You might want to read your history again there Sparky.

  13. Screw them how about the IRISH.

    1. Leave the God fearing Irish alone.

  14. 5:55- That is a fantastic idea! Why not make the legislators, by way of their current counter parts, be solely responsible? It was at the cost of the civilian trained army to pay the ultimate cost for blacks' freedom. Every elected current democrat, whose party were against the emancipation, should pay the reparations. Not one citizen or Republican. All money goes to reparations instead of their party. I bet there would be a lot more party libertarians.

  15. Next from Warren, reparations for North American indigenous people from 1492 and beyond. Frankly, considering her heritage, I don't know why she didn't start there.

  16. Anyone who can claim a direct descendant who fought for the North gets a free ride on this one.

  17. My ancestors fought for the union. I want reparations for that.

  18. Just another gimmick to trick black people into voting for them, they’ll make it look like they tried and even through around the word racism but just come up short

  19. It was England that was responsible for slavery in America, they the Muslim slave traders and Jewish merchant ships. America had slavery for 4 hundred years , we fought a war against England to become free and then a civil war to end slavery... under America the country slavery was only about 70 years so when you factor in designing and building a new country and fighting a civil war during that time you then understand that America didn’t create slavery it ended it.

  20. Just doing it for the votes.

  21. Warren wants reparations for Native Americans too. She will be the first to apply.

  22. We cannot help what our ancestors did or where they came from. I don't know of any slaves alive today. And since Kennedy ended school segregation African Americans have the same education opportunity as anyone else. And many of us have African and Native American DNA. Would we all get a cut? The Dems have completely lost it.

  23. Well let's have Reparations for the White slaves too & to the
    Whites who have been suffering under Reverse Discrimination = Affirmative Action !!! way too long!!!

    There were Slaves of all colors so get over it !!!
    Look back in History as far back as you like !!! Fact


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