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Saturday, February 09, 2019

Disaster Zone: Will Anyone Resign in Virginia?

On Tuesday, it took me several meaty paragraphs just to explain the basics of the parody-level rolling disaster known as Virginia Democratic politics. Since then, it's somehow gotten worse. The Democratic Governor flip-flopped about his blackface yearbook photo, admitted to another instance in which he worse blackface, and refused to resign -- a mess that came to light following hisghoulish defense of infanticide, which reportedly moved disgusted former medical school classmates to blow the whistle on the racist photograph. Meanwhile, the Democratic Lieutenant Governor is denying a specific and serious sexual assault charge from a fellow liberal Democrat. We addressed that element of this shinola storm in a previous post, and will return to in a moment.

Then we had the revelation that, with whispers swirling around Richmond, the third-ranking Democrat in the State also wore blackface (or "dark makeup," as theNew York Times euphemistically described it, at first) in the 1980's. On the plus side for Attorney General Mark Herring, we haven't seen a picture documenting this racist incident. In the negative column, he just recently called for the governor's resignation...over blackface:


1 comment:

  1. Virgina hasn't had such a bad stretch since Gettysburg!


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