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Saturday, February 02, 2019

Did You?


  1. Now these are statistics worthy of note. However, most of us can't handle the truth and would rather focus on something that does not directly impact us. It is easy to turn away but folks these are cold hard facts. MAGA!

  2. Very true glad it was posted. Our ancestors would be so ashamed, their statues torn down because of racism, a country that doesn't back their president and ridicules him and his family, have let immigrants come in and slaughter Americans. No support for 1st Responders like our Police. Secretary of State that murdered Americans in Bengazi, that destroyed e-mails that were part of the National Record. A president that had multiple affairs while President and in the White House itself. The previous president who sold our uranium to our enemies. The #1 visitor to the White House during this same presidents term was a race baiter, and never paid back taxes. I am glad my father did not see all this happen it would have broken his heart. We don't even support our men & women in the military and don't take care of the ones who need medical help when they come home. Oh God pray for this country and open the eyes that all see what we have today!

  3. 12:01. Well stated.


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