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Friday, February 08, 2019

Democrats Remain Seated as Trump Celebrates Low Unemployment Numbers for Minorities

President Donald Trump celebrated historic low unemployment numbers during his state of the Union address on Tuesday, but Congressional Democrats did not stand and applaud.

Cameras showed Democrats remaining in their seats after Trump highlighted that fact, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

“African-American, Hispanic-American, and Asian-American unemployment have all reached their lowest levels ever recorded,” Trump said.

American Urban Radio Network’s April Ryan also noted the Democrats’ behavior on Twitter.



  1. Why are they wearing AFRICAN Scarfs ? are they in America or Africa ?

  2. Women, blacks, Muslims in Congress. WTF do you expect?? If it's not entitlement programs their not interested

  3. That's because they like high unemployment numbers so those individuals will be dependent on the government

  4. Not in their best interests...

  5. Those who have newfound jobs don't have the Dems to thank with their votes.

  6. The black democrats are not EVER going to be interested in anything good for black Americans. Rather, they want to get as many black Americans on government programs, as they can. Low unemployment numbers thwart that goal. The more blacks they can get on the "free money" train, the more blacks will vote for them. Says something about black culture and black politics. Reasonable people can figure it out.

  7. Theatre of the absurd

    Scripted in Langley

    Mind control

  8. All these Democrats should loose their jobs they should be kicked out as traitors to their country, bet that would wipe those grins and smiles off their faces. Send them to the other side of the border with their immigrant friends.

  9. They don't want employment! So much cozier to live on welfare and let whitey work for them so they don't have to.


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