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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Democrats block bill to stop infanticide. Politico smears Republicans for the effort

If anyone wonders why so many people hate, detest, despise the establishment media, witnessPolitico’s “news” article Monday night about Senate Democrats’ defeat of the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.

There will be more to say about the substance and repercussions of Senate Democrats’ vote last night refusing to protect infants delivered still alive after failed abortion attempts. What immediately rankles, though, is that Politico went to stupendous lengths to make Republicans look like cynical “bad guys” in the whole affair.

No neutral reporting allowed. No explanation of the New York, Virginia, and Vermont bills that catalyzed Republicans to introduce this Senate legislation, other than a sentence buried deep within the story mistakenly describing those state bills as merely having “loosened restrictions on third-trimester abortions.” Not even a semi-adequate recounting of the concerns forwarded by the bill’s Republican sponsors.



  1. Evil has taken over the dumbocrats.

    The dumbocrats are now proud of killing babies.

  2. Give inch take a mile. And people say they aren't coming for guns?!! Think again folks. Sad times.

  3. At a very minimum abortion after the detection of a heart beat should be illegal. Also though I am against planned parenthood abortions and obamacare I would not oppose public financed birth control,it is a hell of a lot cheaper than wellfare for life.


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