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Saturday, February 09, 2019

Democrat Al Green: His party's sins mean Trump should be impeached. Really

Rep. Al Green, D-Texas, wants to impeach President Trump. Badly. And sometimes ludicrously.

The Texas Democrat wants it so eagerly, in fact, that he often uses whatever is happening in the news cycle at the moment to argue that the time to impeach Trump is now. It doesn’t matter what’s happening: Rep. Green will find a way to tie it back to his obsession with impeaching the current president. This single-minded pursuit of impeachment has, of course, produced some notably absurd moments for the congressman, including when he claimed this week that the chaos in Virginia is further proof that Trump must be impeached.

You read that right: Three Democrats in Virginia get in trouble, so that means the Republican president should leave office.

The fact that Virginia's Democratic governor, Ralph Northam, and its Democratic attorney general, Mark Herring, have not yet resigned despite admitting to wearing blackface when they were younger "is but a symptom of a greater syndrome that currently plagues our country as a result of not acting on President Trump’s bigotry,” Green argued this week.

We’ve done it, folks. We’ve reached the part of the #resistance argument where Trump is responsible for even the sins of Democrats.


1 comment:

  1. So it is President Donald J. Trump that is the blame for to democrats blackening their face. How f'n sick can al green be?
    I apologize to you Mr.President for having to endure such s-it. I hope you will take the challenge (presidency) in 2020, it is yours if you choose to do so.


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