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Wednesday, February 06, 2019

Debate judge disqualifies students for citing 'white supremacists' Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro

A viral video of a high school debate contest last month in Arizona shows Utah students being disqualified for citing statements by conservative commentator Ben Shapiro and Canadian psychology professor Jordan Peterson, whom the judge calls “white supremacists.”

The Jan. 5 incident at the Hugh Downs School of Human Communication Invitational at Arizona State University in Tempe has evoked criticism of anti-conservative, pro-liberal bias in academia, where conservative speakers have been silenced and shouted down in recent years.

“This is just another absurd example of people foisting views on those with whom they disagree for purposes of demonization,” Mr. Shapiro, former editor-in-chief of Breitbart News, told The Washington Times in an email. “The judge is a joke, pure and simple.”



  1. Citing quotes from some random dumb dumb with an agenda is NOT the way uou conduct a debate. I know its a lost concept on you folks but real debates are composed of the use of facts and data to make a case, not random uninformed opinions.

    1. 3:04 “Random dumb dumb”. You lost all credibility when you said that. The only uninformed opinion I see is yours🤷‍♀️

  2. Another libtard heard from.

  3. 3:04pm you got it dummy. I promise never to quote you.

  4. Activist judges should be released from duty.


  5. The judge for the debate is likely not a judicial official. Judge is the term used for the person controlling the ebb and flow of the debate according to established ground rules. Their decision sounds to be incorrect.

  6. Shapiro DOES use facts.

    It just that the idiot liberals can't stand them.

    Facts and the truth always seem to get them all twisted up and looking for a safe place from the painful truth.
    Of course, we are talking about people who pretend to be ponies (seriously) and think Magic Cards represent a reality.

    Hang all of them before it's too late.


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