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Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Cory Booker makes himself look the fool, again

Sen. Cory Booker made himself look the fool yet again this week while questioning judicial nominee Neomi Rao.

At Tuesday’s confirmation hearing, the Jersey Democrat senator went after Rao with the clear suspicion that she’s some kind of religious bigot, asking first: “Have you ever had an LGBTQ law clerk?”

Her reply exposed Booker’s total lack of preparation: “I have not been a judge, so I don’t have any law clerks.”

He fell back to asking if anyone now working for her is LGBTQ — and she humiliated him again: “To be honest, I don’t know the sexual orientation of my staff. I take people as they come, irrespective of their race, ethnicity, sexual orientation.”

But Booker wouldn’t let go, asking, “Are gay relationships in your opinion immoral?”



  1. Booker is an idiot. He shouldn't have made it anywhere past the state level of government.

    1. Shouldn't even be in government

  2. Stupid is as stupid does. He cannot help himself! Quotas, need to get rid of them before it destroys us all.

  3. Proves that you can be "allowed" to pass through some of the tip schools in the country because of race or gender but eventually you will have to prove you're qualified

  4. The Bell Curve in action!

  5. I repeat, Inflammatory democrats in office today. First letter of each word spells IDIOT!!!

  6. New Jersey is the state that keeps on giving....Chris Christie & Booker are both fools.

  7. again? sorry, it's all the time for this fool! but hey the libs love him!


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