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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Connecticut Democrat Gov. Ned Lamont Reverses Campaign Vow: Tolls for All

Newly installed Connecticut Democrat Gov. Ned Lamont is already reneging on his campaign pledge to place tolls only on trucks on the state’s roads.

In a budget speech Wednesday that left voters reeling, Lamont, a telecommunications entrepreneur who campaigned as a businessman who knew how to reverse the state’s financial crisis, mapped out his plans to bring Connecticut back from the brink of near-bankruptcy – but none of them involved cutting spending.

In fact, the Democrat proposed increased spending as he also pushed for at least 53 electronic overhead toll gantries across what is the third smallest state in the United States – for all cars and trucks. In addition, Lamont called for expanded sales taxes on dozens of new items and services as well as new taxes on sugary drinks, a surcharge on plastic bags, and a $15 minimum wage.



  1. When will you people ever learn?????? When????? ALL POLITICIANS TELL YOU WHAT YOU WANT TO HER TO GET YOUR VOTE AND ALWAYS DO THE OPPOSITE ONCE IN OFFICE... Even a dead bird can remember that, why can't you retards????

  2. Ah, sweet liberty, gone forever in the land of want.

  3. The only way for Connecticut to ever return to prosperity is to get rid of the tax & spend demonrats

  4. I can't say that I know the particulars about the financial problems of Connecticut, but I would bet good money that it mirrors the financial problems of our federal government. We do not have a taxation problem, we have a spending problem. The left, in their infinite ignorance will never agree to this truth however and believes that you can tax your way out of debt while creating more debt daily.


  5. NY is losing a House seat in 2020 due to population shrinkage IIRC. Rumor is that AOC's seat could get partitioned. One can only hope.

    CT's new governor seems focused on reducing the population there so they can lose a seat also. We wish him well in that effort. The wealthy can afford to keep paying; tough luck for the middle class and the poor.


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