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Wednesday, February 06, 2019

Congressman Andy Harris Surrounded By Diamond & Silk

Last night Diamond went to the State of the Union and this morning both Diamond & Silk joined us for breakfast. It was wonderful to meet these women who are strong supporters of our President and hear their take on his speech and the current climate in our country.


  1. Buffoons. But you'll roll them out there like they are scholars and experrts just because they'll repeat and support your fictional political narrative.

  2. God Bless them and Congressman Harris too.

  3. So, Andy, did you get their autographs?

  4. These ladies found the American Dream on their ideas and are now a household name. You don't care for them due to their beliefs or jealous one, so you make a child like remark like 3:05 above.

  5. A buffoon is the one who gave the Democrat rebuttal last night.

  6. Diamond and Silk are cool as hell and well informed, 3:05 not so much

  7. "Anonymous said...

    Buffoons. But you'll roll them out there like they are scholars and experrts just because they'll repeat and support your fictional political narrative.

    February 6, 2019 at 3:05 PM"

    Is there ever an end to you people's lies 3:05? NO one has EVER claimed Diamond and Silk were "scholars and experrts" Prove you aren't a liar and show just 1 (ONE) place where someone has claimed this. You can't because just like the rest of you nasty rank democrats you lie constantly. If you were raised by good decent honest people you would be ashamed of yourself for telling lies. But you aren't because it goes back generations now worthless trash parents like yours (or whatever loser raised you) raising lying filth like you.


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