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Friday, February 15, 2019

Congressman Andy Harris’ Statement on President Trump’s Declaration of a National Emergency to Protect Border Security

WASHINGTON, DC: Congressman Andy Harris, M.D. (MD-01) made the following statement on President Trump’s declaration of a national emergency to protect border security and facilitate funding of the border wall:

“I support the president’s efforts to fully fund comprehensive border security by re-allocating unused funds from other programs, such as counter-narcotics programs directly related to the flow of illegal drugs across our southern border. Just last month, CBP had its largest fentanyl drug bust at the southern border, capturing enough fentanyl to kill 57 million people – that’s enough drugs to kill the population of Maryland nine times over. The sex trafficking industry, a horrific and demoralizing crime, is also thriving from a lack of border security. The exploitation and rape of these women and children occurs both en route to the United States and after their arrival. MS-13 gang violence is rampant in the United States, and is a serious threat to our communities in Maryland. The president has worked hard to secure our border, and I support his decision to declare a state of emergency to protect our national security.”


  1. Bad precedent. Be prepared for the next Democrat president to declare a national emergency over guns. We need to be careful with what we want.

  2. As do the ones who voted for our President and voted for Sen. Harris. They are doing exactly what we voted for.

  3. 12:53
    Your hero Obama did it many times. The flint Michigan water “crisis” is the first that comes to mind.

    Maybe you shouldn’t comment on stuff you know little about

    1. My hero?? You are very mistaken!

  4. Rep Harris, thank you for supporting the President of the UNITED STATES. I believe the majority of CITIZENS agree with our President on border security. I also believe we must have immigration reform so we can have the BEST coming here instead of the WORST.

  5. The is the first tie a President has declared National emergency. However this is the first time that Nancy Pelosi has objected. The Dems need votes and who better. They lost the Black and women vote. Or was that fake news.

  6. Obama Crooked BastardoFebruary 15, 2019 at 3:50 PM

    12:53 You mean the "precedent" that was started by Barry Obama? Just look up how many Executive Orders Obama issued in his first 2 years of his "presidency" and get back with us.
    Thank You Andy Harris for great support and Let's Make Maryland Great Again!

  7. 12:53 were you Educated or Indoctrinated...sounds like Indoctrinated. This same Declaration has been done by at least 5 past presidents. Obama 17 times, Bush 7 times, Clinton 12 times and others; so get over yourself.

    POTUS Can and WILL do this. Period!!!

  8. 2:53 is spot on. The smartest of the bunch on here.

  9. Andy Harris is an idiot who’s just riding on Trumps coat tails. I hope he gets voted out before he does any real damage.

  10. @ February 15, 2019 at 10:08. Why, because he does not join in with your democratic bull shit? This man does what Marylander's want. He's not a democrats fool. Get a brain and stop being so butt hurt. 202 is coming. So get used to Trump, too.


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