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Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Concocting fake hate crimes a criminal act

The lengths Democrats will go these days to try to paint the president and his supporters as racist, violent or homophobic is beyond sociopath — it’s criminal.

Take outspoken Trump critic and openly gay TV actor Jussie Smollett. Last month, the “Empire” actor recounted a hard-to-believe hate crime alleging he was attacked by two white men on a city street in Chicago at 2 a.m. The black actor claimed the white men assaulted him, put a rope around his neck and threw bleach on him while hurling racist and homophobic epithets — and saying “This is MAGA country.”

Instead of waiting for the police to investigate the wild tale, many in the media, top Democratic lawmakers and 2020 presidential candidates, including Elizabeth Warren, wasted no time rushing to his defense. Sens. Cory Booker and Kamala Harris both compared the alleged attack to a “modern-day lynching,” while Bernie Sanders called it “a horrific instance of the surging hostility toward minorities around the country.” House Majority Speaker Nancy Pelosi, ex-Vice President Joe Biden and other Dems jumped in the fray, fanning racial divisions while others fueled the false narrative that Trump supporters are anti-LGBTQ. Not surprisingly, Hollywood liberals rushed to defend the actor while trying to blame the purported hate crime on “Trump’s rhetoric.”

Now evidence strongly suggests the whole thing was a hoax.



  1. How many other people will act out like Jess Smollett? People attacking people over hats is insane! They preach diversity but not diversity of thought. The Democrats have succeeded with the help of the media to brainwash their people. It’s scary.

  2. Always Blaming the Whites too
    It's Only a Hate Crime if a White did it !!! these days

    Funny that in the Smullet case it turned out that the men
    were (surprise) Black after first assuming they were
    White of course...... Gotcha !! Now the story dies down


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