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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Charlie Kirk at TPUSA Latino Summit: Skin Color Does Not Dictate Political Preference

Hundreds of conservative Latino students gathered in Phoenix, Arizona, over the weekend to attend Turning Point USA’s annual Young Latino Leadership Summit.

Turning Point USA (TPUSA) founder and executive director Charlie Kirk told summit attendees on Saturday that he is “tired of seeing these racial demagogues on the Left, trying to make it seem as if your skin color must dictate a political preference.”

“I don’t care what you look like, I care what your worldview is,” continued Kirk during a Q&A session, “The Left have become the true racists. They say — Mexicans cannot be conservatives — they say black people cannot be conservatives. That’s a racist thing to say.”

One summit attendee asked Kirk what young conservatives can do to better deliver their message to fellow young people.

“We saw Beto O’Rourke — Robert Francis O’Rourke — running on that fake Mexican platform” said the student during Kirk’s Q&A session, “We saw him gather, rally together the support of not only Hispanics, but Caucasians, and people from out of the state of Texas.”

“The Republican Party did not do a good job of reaching out to the youth,” continued the student, who then asked Kirk what young people can do in order to better rally the youth in favor of conservative principles.

“It has to start culturally,” answered Kirk.


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