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Monday, February 18, 2019

Build That Wall!


  1. We need to shut it down NOW! Watch the movie Contagion. If that doesn't shake your tree, nothing will. Yeah, I know, it's just a movie. But looking past that shows what can happen with our borders...smh!

  2. Let him go to San Francisco with Nancy...

  3. That is nasty and scary too.

  4. Yes, it is catching.

  5. Put them all in the Democrats neighborhood. Then lets see if they change their mind on the wall.

  6. I don't need to watch a movie, those caravans scare me, this kind of stuff is all in those caravans and the idiot liberals think it's ok. Build those walls now.

  7. or start shooting the SOBs. It's either them or us............it's pretty simple which it should be..........NOT US!

  8. Awwwww....with the FREE health care , and the FREE housing, FREE education the socialist traitors want to provide, everything will be just great-we want billions of people to come here, so open up those borders....THE ONES WHO WANT SOCIALISM SHOULD BE FORCIBLY REMOVED FROM THIS COUNTRY TO RESIDE IN THE SOCAILIST COUNTRY OF THEOR CHOICE-THEY ARE ALL THE SAME-STARVING PEOPLE, CORRUPT, BOOT ON THE NECK OF THE PEOPLE-GET OUT OF THIS COUNTRY TRAITORS!

  9. Give him a chance to come to this country and commit every conceivable crime, including sharing smallpox or TB with your daughters. Maybe he'll share a hospital room with one of your relatives, and the tax payers pay for the room.

  10. Reports I've read say citizens who live in border areas cant get medical care at their hospitals because they steal too busy treating ICE detainees. Many with serious and contagious diseases. BUILD THAT WALL.

  11. Kick these flea bitten bums out of here and stop them from bringing in every disease known and unknown to mankind. BUILD THE WALL!!!

  12. Should be some Bumps on his ass when he got kicked out
    of America !!!!


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