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Thursday, February 07, 2019

Baseball legend Frank Robinson, MLB's first black manager, dead at 83

WASHINGTON (WJLA) — Baseball legend Frank Robinson has died, according to multiple reports.

The Hall of Famer, who was Major League Baseball's first black manager and the first and only player to win MVP in both the American and National leagues, was 83 years old.



  1. Why does race always have to be injected into everything anymore

    1. If you honestly want an answer, take a break from.the internet and spend some time watching the Black History Month programming in PBS or History Channel. Hopefully then you will be clued into the historical importance of his achievments and why his race is mentioned. In short; educate yourself and you'll find you become less susceptible to phony outrage.

  2. Was he Brooks Robinson's brother?

  3. Great great oriole and man RIP #20

  4. Led the O's to the promised land.

  5. I vividly remember when Frank Robinson, Brooks Robinson, et al, took on the Dodgers in the World Series of 1966. I was a high school student, had broken my leg and ended up in Peninsula General Hospital. My roommate was an older gentleman and claimed to be wise in the ways of baseball. He said, over and over, "There's no way the Orioles can win. The Dodgers have Sandy Koufax, Don Drysdale and Claude Osteen. No way the Orioles can get past those pitchers."

    The Orioles won in four straight games.

    1. And finished the series off with 3 straight shutouts.

  6. SMH! No, he was not the brother of Brooks Robinson. No, he was not a pitcher. No, he was not the best Orioles player ever.

    I was there. I watched Brooks Robinson, Willie Tasby, Jackie Brandt and Gene Woodling. Most of you were not even born then.

    1. Jackie Brandy, Gene Woodling, and Willie Tasby were average ballplayers. As far as Brooks, one of the greatest 3rd baseman of all time. As far as Frank Robinson being the greatest Oriole ever, that is debatable. He played for Orioles for 6 years and they went to the World Series 4 times. Quite the accomplishment. He was one of the greatest players of all time . Better than Aaron, and as great as or better than Mays or Mantle.

  7. Yes indeed. Hands down.

  8. 7:36 is that an honest to goodness question because I'm sitting here trying to decide if you really want to know or just that stupid. Good grief

  9. @9:46 I think they were trying to see just how many dumbasses would respond to such an obvious attempt to see how ignorant most responding on here are


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