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Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Angel Dad to Pelosi: ‘Why don’t you talk to me about my daughter’s death?’

Angel dad Chris Odette questioned why House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has not presented a bill to tear down the border wall if she really thinks it is “immoral.”

Odette, a military veteran, told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview Wednesday that he has tweeted Speaker Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer numerous times, inviting Pelosi to meet and talk about his daughter’s death, but he has received no response.

Odette’s daughter, Chrishia Odette, was just 13 years old when, on September 12, 2014, unlicensed driver and illegal alien Ramiro Tolentino Guevara careened into the girl’s body. Odette recounted the authorities’ description of the blood that streamed from her face after being struck and the professionals who said she may have lived for minutes with her injuries before dying.

He said he would ask them about this “manufactured crisis, asking is this really a manufactured crisis?” He would inquire, “Why don’t you talk to me about my daughter’s death?”



  1. Because Nancy is a coward and has nothing for this man. She can't apologize to him because that would admit he is right and she is wrong. Far be it for me to judge but I think this lady is going to have a lot to atone for.

  2. First she would cold heartedly dismiss him, his claims, etc, then she would chew on her tide pod and ignore anything else he said, thats who Pelosi is.

  3. That thing cares only for Nancy "The Lube Girl" and has been that way for the beginning.

    Sorry for your daughter's death sir.

  4. Nancy only sees the Big Picture, the one where Democrats rule the roost forever.

  5. They won't talk to you because they don't care. They only care about power.

  6. democrat could care less about their own children so why would anyone elses matter to them. if any deny they are just getting to that lying they all do constantly. they have sold out the future of the country's children for years. children born to democrats are to be pities. animals are more civilized then democrats and make better parents.

  7. Because she has no answers for his questions!

  8. Remember you all are the ones voting for these people which is why there still in office!!! So why are you saying bad things all of a sudden now????

  9. She doesn't do interviews just selfies, her brain cannot engage to have a real conversation she had to keep looking at papers through the Presidents Address last night. Whenever she was uncomfortable the pages came up, if Trump said anything she didn't like it was the papers or the sneering looks.


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