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Tuesday, February 05, 2019

And There It Is--> Final Piece of Jussie Smollett MAGA Assault Illusion Turns Out to be Complete Crap!

The final piece of the Jussie Smollett assault story just hit the skids.

Actor Jussie Smollett arrived in Chicago on Monday night. He was out to get fast food at 2 a.m. when he was allegedly attacked by two Trump supporters in MAGA hats who recognized him in the freezing cold, beat him, poured bleach on him and put a noose around his neck.

It was -15 to -30 degrees wind chill on Tuesday morning.



  1. Wow! Imagine that! Only happens every time

  2. This crap is getting old, he needs to be charged accordingly!

  3. Having spent years as a detective in LE, I still believe I have some Perry Mason (skreet smarts) left in me. So, in my humble opinion this story was false from the get-go. How do I know you "axe"? Because there are very few idiot's out there that would waste bleach on this turd, not alone a perfectly good noose on this liar.

  4. Figures. Another black thug trying to "get whitey".

  5. If it was a planned attack say in his home or office a bleach attack may be believeable. But attacked on the street while out getting a sandwich doesn't cut it for me. What did they follow him? Just crazy.

  6. This is true. Yes, the truth. It is a dark hour, my listeners. Fellow travelers, it is apparent that they have succeeded. You know who (of course you do). Soros and the New World Order Globalists. Yes. It is true. They will stop at nothing to silence you. Hush, they say. Nothing to "see" here. Yes, there is. There are many malfeasances occurring every day. This started in 1994 with the rise of the Internet and they controlled him. Bill. But he slipped from time to time and was more conservative than they liked. Yes, then in 2003, they discovered wi-fi was a better communication tool to the brain than a hard line hookup and could direct thoughts in real-time. Now, we saw Obama's "planting" in the White House. How can someone with no birth certificate and who comes from Kenya be President of these United States? The media. They, you know who, knew the Mindless Drones (Democrats) would vote for him even though he can't speak coherently without his TelePrompTer machine. We have seen the videos and we know the Truth!

  7. There is no racism so they have to make it up. This will be proved to be another one of their many lies. If they had any morals they would all be ashamed. It's okay though. They can pretend all day long to be Christians but God sees how immoral and how ugly their hearts really are and they will pay for it with their eternity spent burning in hell.


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