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Monday, February 25, 2019

Alveda King: Overcome ‘New Rash of Racism’ -- We Are ‘of One Blood’ and ‘One Human Race’

Dr. Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., urged Americans to see humanity as “one race” and “one blood” united via divine creation in a Friday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with host Rebecca Mansour and special guest host Rick Manning.

Mansour invited King’s comment on the state of race relations, highlighting a February-published Gallup poll showing increasing dissatisfaction with race relations over recent years.

Mansour noted, “Gallup has been polling on [race relations] for a number of years; since 2001, at least. Back in 2001, at least 70 percent of black Americans graded race relations as very good or somewhat good, and 62 percent of white people agreed. Now, it shows that over time — and it started in 2013 — our attitude and optimism towards race relations has taken a nosedive, and now it’s almost at a really low ebb. Only 55 percent of white Americans, and only 49 percent of black Americans view race relations in a positive light.”

Mansour asked, “All of the stories out now that seem to be pulling us apart — especially the Jussie Smollett thing that just happened — how do we come back and heal? What do we need to do? What’s going on with our country, right now?”

More here


  1. Civil war is the only way!! Rid society of ALK the weak free loaders, both civilian and government, then reestablish sensible governing body

  2. One thing that might help is for people to stop pushing a racist agenda, starting with politicians, entertainment and education.

  3. I wish she would tell her own. STOP your own community from teaching HATE. They all HATE. Walk past anyone ONE of them and look at the HATE they give you back.

    1. Yes, I've even that look from 6 or 7 years old kids.

      White & Proud

  4. The only racism that I see plainly is coming from Liberals, who hope to gain the votes of supposed racism victims. And yet again, they have no solutions, only plaintive whining and sensational MSM support.

  5. Like saying a German Sheppard and Poodle are the same breed

  6. Amen to both 12:45 and 2:42. Also, my two cents is that the article proves what we have so often said. Mr. Obama set back race relations fifty years.

  7. Amen to both 12:45 and 2:42. Also, my two cents is that the article proves what we have so often said. Mr. Obama set back race relations fifty years.


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