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Tuesday, February 19, 2019

All US Citizens Ordered Out Of Haiti Amidst Mass Unrest And Chaos

Haiti continues to be gripped by civil unrest and mass protests demanding that President Jovenal Moise step down over charges of corruption and and rampant inflation under his watch — yet unlike similar unrest happening hundreds of miles due south of the small Caribbean country in Venezuela, Washington has stood in support of the president. Starting Thursday the US State Department urged all American citizens out of the country and issued a no-not-travel advisory due to "crime and civil unrest".

And national security adviser John Bolton followed with a statement on Saturday for all sides in Haiti to "respect and protect their democracy" — a bit ironic considering he spent the rest of the day tweeting regime change related messages targeting Venezuela's Maduro. He revealed in the tweet that he met with Haitian Foreign Minister on Friday "to express the United States’ enduring support for and friendship with Haiti." He further urged "all of Haiti’s political actors to respect and protect their democracy, engage in dialogue, and put an end to the political violence."



  1. Just send in the clintons they did such a good job raising funds for their crooked rich friends last time. So pinch me im surprised that haiti is still a #$%^house

  2. Haiti is one of the most corrupt countries in the world. Not a dollar sent there makes it to the target. Just ask Hillary's brother.

  3. Who the HELL wants to be in Haiti?? You can go to ANY major city in the US and get the same treatment.

  4. Such a sad situation for the people of Haiti. Prayerful for a better tomorrow for regular people who are suffering mightily at the hands of the corruption.

    1. 10:12 Did you just say "regular people who are suffering mightily at the hands of the corruption"? Could that possibly be the future of our country? Snowflakes, wake up, this is no joke.

  5. Just exactly like our President said it is, "A Shit Hole Country".

  6. Yet well open our borders up and let them run wild in our streets. When will you liberal idiots realize you can't help the world and at some point you can't save everybody

    1. And run wild in the hallways of our schools.

  7. Just look at the halls of JMB for a glimpse

  8. Send the Democrats there to stay !!!


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