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Sunday, February 03, 2019

A Viewer Writes: Joe can you roll some heads in Dorchester county and help this dog?

Dorchester County Dog Control. I have been telling you about this dog for YEARS. Others have too. When are you going to help the dog at 309 Washington Street? WHEN? His pig owners just threw him an old blanket that he's trying desperately to make into a bed to keep warm.

We have rescue in place for him. CONFISCATE HIM AND PROSECUTE THE OWNERS.

In one hour I'm going to post this over EVERY news outlet I can find to get him some help. They can shake out the dirty little secrets of Dorchester County. You may not care...the community you "serve" does.

Get your act together!


  1. not right! should put the owners out there!

  2. What is wrong with people ?

  3. Go for it! There's no reason to torture the dog, if they can't take care of him, give him to someone that has a little love in their hearts.

  4. For God's sake, PLEASE just go break this poor dog out and take him/her to a rescue! If I were in Dorchester County and knew where the street is I'd do it myself. Please.... someone rescue this helpless innocent dog! There's a special place in hell for evil ruthless cowardly bastards who abuse and torment innocent animals! It makes no damn sense for idiot people to take possession of a dog or cat just to do this to them. Why?

    To this poster; Please repost a successful rescue of this precious dog (quicky).

  5. Please Joe, whatever you can do. Please.

  6. is there any update?

  7. 11:12 your comments are right on!!! Bastard is too kind of a word to use!!!

  8. Did someone rescue this poor doggy ? Chain his owners outside till they take care of him .

  9. Please do this now especially with the snow. I can't stand to see the cats and dogs wonder our neighborhoods scared to even look at people only to run from them. Same is true in Salisbury as well. Why does it take so long to get results, how many die before they get unconditional love like they give us?

  10. Please rescue the pup! Place the “owner” in the cage.

  11. I assume that's Cambridge??

  12. What the heck is wrong with their Animal Control.
    Someone help this poor animal.

    Please let us know what happened to this dog Joe!!


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