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Friday, February 15, 2019

A Tampa man reported an income of $18,497. The IRS sent him a refund check for $980,000

The IRS has seized a Lexus and $919,251 from a Tampa man who got a $980,000 refund after filing a tax return that falsely showed $1 million in federal income tax withholding.

At a time when millions of Americans are bemoaning their smaller-than-expected tax refunds, consider this:

Ramon Christopher Blanchett of Tampa once got a refund of $980,000. On a reported income of $18,497.

As with most things involving the IRS, this story does not end happily, at least for Blanchett, 29. But it does display a degree of ingenuity, as outlined in a federal forfeiture complaint recently filed in U.S. District Court in Tampa:

In February 2017, Blanchett electronically submitted a self-prepared income tax return listing his occupation as "free-lancer. '' He had W-2 forms from a Tampa nursing home and a Sizzling Platter restaurant in Murray, Utah.One W-2 showed $17,098 in wages and $1 million of federal income tax withholding. In reality, the complaint says, Blanchett was paid just $2,098 and no tax was withheld. The other W-2, which was accurate, showed $1,399 in income and no withholding.



  1. Blanchett, who could not be reached for comment, has not been charged with a federal crime.

    and that ladies and gentlemen is where the problem lies!

    1. 5:51- How is not talking to reporters the actual problem? It will do him no benefit to speak to the media, and can only hurt in the long run. What problem are you referring to?


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