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Thursday, February 21, 2019

A Commenter, (rejected) Claims I'm Behind The Times When It Comes To News...

"Former Humane Society Director accused of stealing at least 58K."

In their comment they stated the above message, as if I'm way behind in the times on this breaking news. LMAO!!! Perhaps this Idiot, (probably an employee of another local news outlet) should follow SBYNews more frequently because I was the one who actually BROKE this news, (get this) on August 26, 2018 back when this was in fact BREAKING NEWS!

By the way, hire a new weatherman because your guy sucks at what he does. 


  1. That’s actually hilarious because I was thinking when I saw this “didn’t this happen forever ago?” Check and mate mr albero, another devastating first round ko

  2. Hey Joe. Was wondering if you or anyone in community knows weather Aaron Balsamo has been arrested yet?? He's had long enough. Stealing from our humane society, while we are donating our hard earned money to help our pet population. He needs jail time, and needs it now!!!! So does the lady ? That hoarded 300 dogs in her barn. What the hell is going on with these cases? It's been way to long. Balsamo needs to make restitution for everything he stole. The humane society needs that money. More supervision needed there! Any info will be appreciated!!!

  3. Aaron has gone missing and cannot be found right now but I imagine he’ll show up in another state and eventually get returned to face a judge.

    1. Sadly extradition is no longer used in a whole lot of property cases depending on the manpower and cost necessary to bring the criminal back to face charges.
      With nobody looking for him as long as he stays out of any police contact he's home free. What a shame.

  4. Joe, I love the post script (P.S.)
    That was funny.

  5. What is the matter with the Wicomico County Humane Society Directors everyone leaves a disgrace to the position, they all either swindle $ or bring down shame on the City of Salisbury in the inhumane treatment of animals. It must be like our childish Mayor no one on boards do background checks anymore, maybe we need to start with psychological checks.

  6. Maybe now people will stop having donations made to the humane society in lieu of flowers for the deceased. I'd rather give to the homeless places instead.


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