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Wednesday, February 06, 2019

32 Religious Groups on Probation for Alleged Discrimination at University of Iowa

The University of Iowa has placed 32 campus religious groups on probation because they are supposedly in violation of the school's anti-discrimination policy. The public became aware of the list during arguments in federal district court last week involving a Christian student group initially kicked off campus.

Business Leaders in Christ (BLinC) brought together students for weekly discussions centered on prayer and biblical messages. The mission of the group is to form future business leaders who integrate the values of their faith into their work. BLinC's group leaders are expected to share its Christian faith.

In February 2017, a member of BLinC filed a complaint with the university after he was denied the chance to serve as the group's vice president because he was openly gay and disagreed with the group's views on marriage and sexuality. The student was told he could remain as a member but could not serve in a leadership role. Group leaders must affirm a statement of faith, which says they "embrace, not reject, their God-given sex" and support marriage between a man and a woman only.



  1. Here we go again. The gays just Can't stand to leave Christians ALONE. The hate Christianity and everything it stands for. But ALWAYS have to be part of the group. WHY?? To get money and destroy the organization. PERIOD!! Look at all the organization's they have destroyed over the last 20 years.

  2. It's the school that's on probation, held hostage by the Left.

  3. 3:24 nailed it.

    If an organization says they HATE clowns, why would a f'ing clown still want to join???

    Go follow the religion that says clowns are perfectly acceptable.
    Don't think you have a right to force everyone to suddenly like clowns.

    It's the finding a religion that likes clowns part that is seemingly a problem.

    You know what I'm sayin'......

    Keep cheering.


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