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Saturday, February 09, 2019

1/4 French Believe 'Elites' Using Mass Migration to 'Replace' Europeans

A study claims that up to a quarter of the French population not only believe in a conspiracy of “elites” but also think those same elites are using mass migration to replace European populations.

The study, released by Jean-Jaurès Foundation and Conspiracy Watch, is the second of its kind and looks at the extent to which the French believe in various so-called conspiracy theories.

The study found that 27 per cent of French believe in an “Illuminati” of elites who control the population while one quarter say they believe in the theory of the “Great Replacement,” Le Point reports.



  1. World Islam domination paid for by Dems aka Soros

  2. Actually they have good cause to feel this way and probably are right.

    1. 10:35- THANK YOU! Without your comment I wouldn't have been able to understand this post! So glad you were able clarify! Sarcasm.

  3. They need to kick the Muslims out before it's too late if it isn't already. Either way a major revolt is coming.

  4. 6:53 ever heard the expression Sarcastic Ahole it describes you perfectly.

  5. If elites can't get their one world government they will just flood all the first world countries with third world immigrants on food stamps and free healthcare. Then we all become 3rd world countries.

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