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Saturday, January 05, 2019

Yale Study Finds That White Liberals Dumb Down Their Vocabulary When Speaking to Black People

The bigotry of low expectations strikes again

A new Yale study has found that white liberals deliberately dumb down their vocabulary when speaking to black people in comparison to conservatives who don’t.

According to the study, which is scheduled for publication in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, “white liberals tend to downplay their own verbal competence in exchanges with racial minorities.”

Cydney Dupree, assistant professor of organizational behavior at Yale SOM, and her co-author, Susan Fiske of Princeton University, first analyzed campaign speeches given by white Democrats and Republicans to minority audiences then compared them to speeches given to white audiences.

They found that, “Democratic candidates used fewer competence-related words in speeches delivered to mostly minority audiences than they did in speeches delivered to mostly white audiences.”

The same difference was not found in speeches given by Republican candidates.

They then expanded the study to include members of the general public, who were first tested to ascertain their political persuasion.



  1. Hillary always did that, and turned on her southern accent when speaking to southerners. Hipocritical phoney POS.

  2. I seriously doubt this piece. How would it be possible to get any dumber. That is their natural state. Same as the fat failed one when speaking, dumb and ugly. Can't wait until 2020. Sure hope our good president will give us another chance and do another term of helping us. Can't blame him if he said forget it. Still, love to see him knock the losers off stage like 2016. That was good stuff. lol

  3. Racist liberals.

  4. Some of the people they speak to live down to the expectations!

  5. Maybe yall just didnt notice. Over the past 10 yrs there has been quite a few conservative candidates who can barely string a coherent sentence together. Read any given quote from Trump or Palin. Obviously there is no language shift when you speak like a dumb dumb. So of course comparing these folks to liberals is going to make it seem like there is an issue. Moving on.

  6. LOL I remember hillary clinton speaking to them in that ghetto mumbo jumbo. If they had any self respect they would have been offended by no the overwhelmingly majority of them voted for her.

  7. The fact is democrats think blacks are ignorant losers not capable of thinking or doing for themselves. Democrats have kept blacks in chains and slaves still to the system. Unfortunately this is true. So many are still nothing but lowly slaves because they are dependent on government handouts. When you aren't self sufficient you nothing but a slave. What else is unfortunate is so many have allowed themselves to be reduced to this the lowest type of person It's not cute to have multiple babies with multiple baby daddies many criminals who won't support the children. The children aren't cute either. They will grow up to be useless dregs of society just like the sperm donor and the gross leg spreader.

  8. just like delegate carl anderton when he speaks ghetto. Oh wait, that is normal for carl.


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