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Saturday, January 12, 2019

Worst measles outbreak in decades sweeps New York as cases surge in Oregon, Washington and abroad

Cases of measles have reached a 20-year high in several New York counties amid an outbreak that threatens to reach epidemic proportions, experts say.

At least 160 people have been infected by the virus, which typically strikes children, in New York and unusual outbreaks have been reported internationally.

The worst affected areas so far are Rockland County - where 105 cases have been reported - and an Orthodox Jewish neighborhood in Brooklyn, where at least 55 have been infected.

Meanwhile, 25 other states have reported outbreaks, with numbers climbing particularly high in Oregon and Washington.



  1. Thank you dumbocrats!

    Just keep letting these 3rd world people run into this country and this is what you get.

  2. Are these not sanctuary cities?

  3. Because we allow illegals and we ship them all over the country to blend in. There is no crisis at the boarder it is all over the country


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